This morning was the 2008 Mt. Pleasant Recreation T-ball and Machine Pitch Jamboree. 86 teams of 5-8 year olds assembled on the field for the start of the summer season. It's James' first foray into the

world of organized team sports, and I have to say that he's taking to it pretty well! He's on a team sponsored by a HVAC company called Endless Air, and they have purple hats & jerseys. When they tried to come up with a team name, two boys suggested "Dragons", and someone suggested "Purple People Eaters", so they compromised: "Purple Dragons". It's been a blast seeing them get out there and play.
After the opening ceremonies (invocation, national anthem, ceremonial first pitches for each league), each team played a 1 inning exhibition game. In this t-ball league, an inning consists of every player on each team getting a chance to bat. The Purple Dragons were the home team today, so they started i

n the field. James played left field, which in his case meant lining up just inside the *inside edge* of the infield grass (on a regulation size diamond), between short and 3rd. He made a couple of nice plays - one stop that came to him and one play backing up the third baseman (basewoman/baseperson) Briana (yup - it's a co-ed t-ball league).
When it came time for James' team to bat, they headed to the plate alphabetically,

which put James in the cleanup spot today. He had a nice cut and got an infield single (helped, of course, by some stellar fielding by the 4 and 5 year olds on the other team!). When he reached first (after starting out by running straight toward the pitcher's mound), the pitcher from the other team, who was a classmate of James' this year, walked over and said "hey James Chalmers - nice hit". James, of course, responded with, "Thanks Marshall, nice play". It's all about sportsmanship these days!

I had a blast watching, doing a little coaching, and taking some pictures.